About Us
Legally Armed is a franchise business providing a one-stop service to the public in general with concerning the administration of the Firearms Control Act. We attempt to make the application processes, amongst other benefits, simpler to comply with the requirements of the Act.
Legally Armed was established in 2004 to find a niche, specialising in a venture with many challenges around the interpretation and execution of the Firearms Control Act. Legally Armed was then franchised with a currently established footprint and more than twenty offices, and still growing, throughout South Africa.
Since then, we have established ourselves as a group of competent and committed people with many years of experience in the field related to the Firearms Control Act to assist the public and entities with whatever requirements/challenges, from the simplest to the most complex. Our services in this environment, amongst others, includes the motivation of any type of application, renewals, appeal procedure, or to represent the alleged negligent firearm owner at an administrative action by a police tribunal in their effort to declare such a person unfit to possess a firearm/s.
The Promotion of Administrative Justice Act, 2000 (Act no. 3 of 2000) and the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act no. 2 of 2000) regulate administrative decisions taken by the State.
After many years of experience, we know the Central Firearm Control Register ("the Registrar") frequently makes controversial decisions that frustrate and will be detrimental to you! We are, without doubt, the market leader in assisting your needs!!
Administration of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000), South Africa
With implementation of the Act many years ago, which is unique, comprehensive, manageable, and enforceable, it has, as expected, resulted in a great deal of controversy, such as mandatory firearms courses, police competency, and the responsibility on all firearm owners to renew relevant licenses, permits and authorizations at least ninety days before the expiry date of same.
In general, the Act includes positive aspects such as better control over the legal possession of firearms by civilians and opportunities to enhance same, by means of membership with numerous SAPS accredited sport associations in South Africa who have healthy competition amongst each other to recruit members.
In addition, the Act also makes provision for a variety of entities and businesses to license firearms, which includes the formal SAPS accreditation of same, specifically with the aim to possess business firearms.
Inclusive to the Act, there is even scope for people to obtain licenses having previous convictions, within certain limits.
Sufficient motivation to possess a firearm stands central as the standard requirement by the Police for the issuance of any firearm license, permit or authorization.
Legally Armed, assisted by Martin & De Beer Inc. Lawyers, since its inception, have helped thousands of clients with firearms by means of our user-friendly administration system and experience in the field. We have a branch near you with our head office in Bloemfontein.
We are the market leaders in the industry with various services and products. On this website we will keep you informed of our specialized services, products, latest developments and of course the contact details of our branches nationally.